IAEA holds first safety leadership school in Japan

Monday, 2 March 2020
The International Atomic Energy Agency has held its International School of Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety in Japan for the first time. The school aims to give mid-level nuclear professionals a thorough theoretical and practical understanding of the role of leadership in strengthening nuclear safety in practice, building expertise they can draw on throughout their career.
IAEA holds first safety leadership school in Japan
Participants in practical exercises at the School of Leadership for Nuclear Safety in Japan (Image: M Haage/Evolving Energy Consortium 2EC)

Twenty-nine professionals from regulatory bodies, nuclear operators and technical organisations took part in the two-week programme, which was held at Tokai University 17-28 February. Participants from Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam learned about integrated management systems, systematic approaches to boost safety practices, and processes at nuclear and related facilities as well as the processes and mindset underpinning safety culture.

The school's objective is to help build competence and increase awareness among stakeholders, Shahid Mallick, head of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security's Programme, Strategy and Coordination section, said. "Leadership for safety needs to be demonstrated in daily work - it is not only for emergencies," he said. "This course aims to strengthen safety leadership across the region for decades to come. By applying what they learn here throughout their careers, the participants will contribute to improved nuclear and radiation safety in their countries."

A pilot version of the school was held in Nice, France in 2017, and courses have since then been held in Brazil, India, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan and Turkey. Schools will be held this year in Spain and Greece in May, Egypt in June, Argentina in July, and India and Mexico in November.

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