Ins and outs in sustainability index update

Tuesday, 13 September 2011
The latest annual update to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DSJI) has seen utility PG&E deleted from the World Index and Korea Electric Power Corporation deleted from the Asia Pacific and Korean regional indexes.

The latest annual update to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DSJI) has seen utility PG&E deleted from the World Index and Korea Electric Power Corporation deleted from the Asia Pacific and Korean regional indexes.
The indexes track the financial performance of the world's leading sustainability-driven companies, prepared by Dow Jones Indexes and Swiss asset management company SAM. The index was launched in 1999 and is drawn up from reports on the sustainability performance of the world's 2500 largest companies. Corporations are evaluated on a variety of criteria including climate change strategies, energy consumption, human resources development, knowledge management, stakeholder relations and corporate governance. In total, 342 companies have made it onto the current world index (DJSI World).

The latest annual review of the DJSI World has seen the deletion of US utility PG&E, one year after it was added to the index. Meanwhile, Korea Electric Power Corp has been deleted from the Korean and Asia Pacific indexes. Japanese utility Tepco was removed from three regional DJSIs in May 2011 after a review prompted by the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Tepco had previously been a member of the Asia Pacific, the Asia Pacific 40 and the Japan 40 DJSIs since 2009.

The top performer in the utility "supersector" is currently Spanish natural gas company Enagas SA.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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