London to get nuclear-powered taxis

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Manganese Bronze's TX4 taxiThe company which makes London's black cabs is to develop an electric version, which it is promoting as a "zero emission urban taxi" for congested urban areas. About one third of London's baseload electricity comes from nuclear plants.

The company which makes London's black cabs is to develop an electric-powered version, which it is promoting as a "zero-emission urban taxi" designed for congested urban areas.

Manganese Bronze's TX4 taxi 
Manganese Bronze's TX4
Manganese Bronze, based in Coventry, has signed an agreement with Tanfield to develop a battery powered version of its TX4 London cab - the TX4E. Tanfield subsidiary Smith Electric Vehicles claims to be the world's largest manufacturer of road-going commercial electric vehicles.


The new cab will be available from mid-2009 and could replace many of the UK capital's 20,000 licensed cabs. It will have a top speed of 80 km/hr and a range in excess of 160 km on one battery charge. It will be powered by an advanced electric drivetrain and an iron phosphate lithium-ion battery pack.


Tanfield told World Nuclear News that the technology will be Tanfield/Smith's well-proven all-electric system, recharged off-peak in six to eight hours, and capable of rapid top-up in an hour. Running costs are expected to be about half those of the present TX4 diesel version. 


Nuclear power provides 19% of the UK's generation mix and about one third of London's baseload electricity.

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