Major components set in place at Rooppur

"The next important stage of installation work at power unit 1 has been completed," said Alexey Deriy, Atomstroyexport vice-president and director of construction at Rooppur. "Installation of steam generators in the design position allows you to start welding the main circulation pipeline, which will connect the equipment of the first circuit: reactor, steam generators, main circulation pumps." The reactor pressure vessel was put in place in October.
Separately at the Rooppur site, the Russian nuclear safety regulator, Rostekhnadzor, has cooperated with the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority to test the concrete of unit 2's reactor building, also under construction.
Vaccination programme
Vaccination in progress at Rooppur (Image: Rosatom)
Atomstroyexport has also cooperated with the Bangladesh Ministry of Health to distribute 5200 vaccine doses to protect Rooppur workers from COVID-19. Negotiations are underway to bring a further 10,000 doses and set up vaccination centres on site for the 15,000 local workers there, it said. Rosatom said the vaccination programme at Roopur has been going on for six months and rates would soon reach at least 80%.
