Newcleo seeks to buy land for demonstration SMR
Innovative reactor developer Newcleo announced it has started the land acquisition process for its demonstration LFR-AS-30 small modular reactor in Indre-et-Loire in the Chinon Vienne et Loire community of municipalities in western France.
The company has "formally initiated constructive discussions and procedures" with the Chinon Vienne et Loire community of municipalities on the siting of the reactor. "Preliminary meetings with local officials, the Chinon Vienne et Loire community of municipalities, and state authorities have allowed Newcleo to present its project while reaffirming its commitment to maintaining a constructive dialogue with all local stakeholders," it said.
"This approach, which follows the standard process for large-scale projects in France, will be accompanied by a series of preliminary studies required for administrative authorisations and subsequent decisions," Newcleo said. "The entire process is conducted in full compliance with the highest applicable regulations and standards, in close collaboration with the relevant authorities."
The company said it will soon refer the matter to the National Commission for Public Debate, in accordance with the Environmental Code. Its project will then be presented during the upcoming public debate, providing a clear overview of its ambitions and commitments. The debate allows interested parties to participate in shaping major policies or projects with significant socio-economic or environmental impact, ensuring transparent and inclusive decision-making from the outset.
According to Paris-headquartered Newcleo's delivery roadmap, the first non-nuclear pre-cursor prototype of its reactor is expected to be ready by 2026 in Italy, the first reactor operational in France by the end of 2031, while the final investment decision for the first commercial power plant is expected around 2029.
Newcleo said its first-of-a-kind 30 MWe lead-cooled fast reactor will "serve as an industrial demonstrator, a showcase for Newcleo's technology, and contribute to the development of the nuclear sector in France".
Last month, Newcleo signed framework agreements with Slovakian companies JAVYS and VUJE which could lead to up to four of its 200 MWe lead-cooled fast reactors at the Bohunice site.
