Rooppur unit 1 hydraulic tests completed

Friday, 17 July 2020
Atommash has completed hydraulic tests on the reactor pressure vessel of unit 1 of the Rooppur nuclear power plant under construction for Bangladesh. Atommash is part of Atomenergomash, the engineering division of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.
Rooppur unit 1 hydraulic tests completed
The RPV for Rooppur unit 1 (Image: AEM Technology)

A watertight chamber, or caisson, was used for the hydraulic tests, during which a maximum pressure of 24.5 MPa was generated in the RPV 1.4 times higher than the operating pressure. A crane with a lifting capacity of 600 tonnes was used to lower the 11-meter RPV into the caisson. The tests confirmed the strength of the base metal and welded joints of the RPV.

Two 1200 MWe (gross) VVER-1200 units are being built at Rooppur, which is on the eastern bank of the river Ganges at Rooppur, 160 km from Dhaka.

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