Safety reviews complete for Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B

Thursday, 3 May 2007
The UK nuclear regulator has confirmed in principle thesafety of four UK advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs) for ten more years. Hunterston B andHinkley Point B could now operate until January 2017, subject to thecompletion of a work program and successful life extension.
The UK nuclear regulator has confirmed in principle the safety of four UK advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs). Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B could now operate until January 2017, subject to the completion of a work program and successful life extension.

Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B are sister plants, sharing virtually identical designs. Both host two 610 MWe AGRs constructed in parallel and brought online between 1976 and 1978. Because the plants are so similar, their owner, British Energy (BE), undertook two simultaneous Periodic Safety Reviews (PSRs), requirements of the UK licensing regime.

A PSR involves the total review of the safety case for a nuclear power plant in which it is compared to the most current safety standards. In addition, the design of AGRs means there are some important plant components which must be examined carefully at every inspection and the continued operation of AGRs is dependent on these examinations. They NII said: "Performing an adequate PSR is therefore a necessary basis for ten years of future operation, but is in no way sufficient."

The conclusion of the Nulcear Installations Inspectorate was that there is "adequate basis for station operation" while a program of improvements based on the findings of the PSRs is carried out. BE has agreed methods for the NII to monitor its progress in this work.

Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B are currently planned for shutdown in 2011 but British Energy is conducting studies on the possibility of extending their lives to the end of the new PSR period (2017). This, however, is a separate project on which a decision is expected in March 2008.

Further information

British Energy

UK Health and Safety Executive

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