Simulator upgrade at Callaway

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Callaway simulatorAmerenUE is upgrading the simulator at its Callaway nuclear power plant with a new suite of software tools. L-3 MAPPS is to make the changes, having upgraded Callaway's core model last year.

AmerenUE is upgrading the simulator at its Callaway nuclear power plant with a new suite of software tools. L-3 MAPPS is to make the changes, having upgraded Callaway's core model last year.


The upgrade will see L-3's Orchid tools installed, with work starting immediately. A statement from the simulator firm said the facility is meant to enter service in 2010. The reactor has a licence to operate until 2024.


Callaway simulator
The control room simulator at Callaway


Legacy simulator modules that have been in use since the 1235 MWe pressurized water reactor began operation in 1984 will be replaced by new ones. L-3 said the results being better performance as well as standardization in the simulation environment, a better toolset and improved maintainability.


L-3 said the legacy systems were electrical systems and control logic for the entire plant, auxiliary process systems, standby diesel generators and containment systems. The upgrade also includes the configuration manager and instructor station.

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