Spare parts by express delivery

Thursday, 8 November 2012
Trillo (CSN)_48A new initiative launched by French nuclear company Areva seeks to streamline the process of reusing components which are surplus to requirements at shut down nuclear power plants.

A new initiative launched by French nuclear company Areva seeks to streamline the process of reusing components which are surplus to requirements at shut down nuclear power plants.

Trillo (CSN)_380
Spain's Trillo is the first plant to make the most of Erva (Image: CSN)

The innovative service, which has been named Erva (short for Equipment, Replacement parts and Validation), is particularly focused on integrating the use of replacement parts from permanently shut-down plants in those that are still operational. Areva says the service will save operators both time and money in sourcing new and replacement spare parts.

According to Areva, the Erva system will generally enable plant operators to source spare parts at below market prices, and will also offer the possibility of obtaining original spare parts where appropriate. As well as providing equipment, replacement parts and validation, Erva also offers its customers support with qualification processes or component re-engineering.

Erva has already completed its first international order, a spare part for the Trillo nuclear plant in Spain. The necessary part was located in a German plant and delivered to the Spanish plant in record time - within 24 hours - allowing Trillo's annual maintenance outage to be completed on schedule.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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