Stake future in clean energy, says EU business

Monday, 22 January 2007
Business leaders believe Europe should stake its future on the use of renewables and nuclear power, according to a UPS survey.

Business leaders believe that Europe should stake its future on the use of renewables and nuclear reactors built in their own countries, ahead of reliance on Russian natural gas or the use of domestic fossil fuels.


According to a UPS survey, published on 22 January in The Times, 59% of respondents supported the use of renewables and 32% supported nuclear reactors build in their own countries. In sharp contrast, only 4% believed Europe should stake its energy future on imported Russian natural gas, 3% supported the use of local gas, coal and oil, and only 1% believed Europe should rely on Middle Eastern oil.


The survey also showed that business believed the top three highest priorities for global political leaders should be protecting the environment (45%), sustaining economic growth (40%) and securing future energy supplies (33%).

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