Swedish regulators merge

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Clab and Oskarshamn (Image: SKB/Allan Borg/Rotate)The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate and Swedish Radiation Protection Institute have merged. The new body will have responsibilities in radon protection, medicine, ultra-violet and laser light safety as well as nuclear power.

The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate and Swedish Radiation Protection Institute have merged, as of 1 July 2008.


The two former authorities have now formed the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SRSA), which will have national collective responsibility within the areas of radiation protection and nuclear safety.


Financed through taxes, the SRSA has a budget of SEK162 million ($27 million) per year. Although the Swedish parliament will decide on both budget and assignments, the new body will be independent. 


The authority is led by its director general, Ann-Louise Eksborgs, who has been appointed by the government. There are 250 employees with a broad and varied range of competencies to handle its responsibilities in radon protection, medicine, ultra-violet and laser light safety as well as nuclear power.


Clab and Oskarshamn (Image: SKB/Allan Borg/Rotate)
The new SRSA will take responsibility for regulating nuclear facilities such as Clab, Sweden's centralized used nuclear fuel storage facility, and Oskarshamn nuclear power plant as well as other public health and safety matters related to radiation (Image: SKB/Allan Borg/Rotate)

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