UAE regulator outlines its role in COVID-19 response
Radiation technologies are playing an indispensable role in diagnosing COVID-19 infection and monitoring treatment and recovery, FANR said. Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) - a nuclear-derived method for detecting the presence of specific pathogens, including viruses - and chest x-rays are used in testing for the virus. Further x-rays and techniques utilising radiation such as computed tomography (CT) may be needed during the course of treatment in severe and advanced cases.
Industrial radiation technologies and medical radiological imaging equipment used for diagnosis and treatment is subject to FANR's regulatory oversight at all times, it said.
"FANR continues to regulate and inspect industrial and healthcare facilities to verify proper use of such equipment and its compliance with regulatory requirements for the radiation protection and safety of the public, patients and workers," it said.
FANR was established in 2009 in accordance with federal law. Construction the UAE's first nuclear power plant, Barakah, began in July 2012. Fuel loading of unit 1 was completed last month.