Ukraine consolidates its nuclear industry

Thursday, 22 March 2007
Ukrainianpoliticians have approved a statute for an integrated state nuclearcompany called Ukratomprom. It will be headed up by Andriy Derkach, current president of Energoatom, the state nuclear utility upon which Ukratomprom will be built.
Ukrainian politicians have approved a statute for an integrated state nuclear company called the 'State Concern Ukratomprom'. It will be headed up by Andriy Derkach, current President of Energoatom, the state nuclear utility upon which Ukratomprom will be built.

The aim of creating an integratedenterprise unifying companies and organizations that serve theUkrainian nuclear industry is to attract investment intomodernization of the industry's mining, machine building, design andresearch sectors, and to facilitate the development of the nationalnuclear fuel cycle.

According to the cabinet's decree from 14March, Energoatom will not gain control over the current activities ofthe unified enterprises at this stage. Instead, Energoatom will act as the representative of the new Ukratomprom in matters of the contractual agreementsbetween its component parts and external affairs with government, industrial partners, investors and other stakeholders.

Ukratomprom will consist of the major nuclear related establishments in Ukraine:
  • Nuclear power producer Energoatom, which owns and operates 15  reactors with a total capacity of about 13,800 MWe
  • Uranium mining company VostGOK
  • The company created to mine the Novokonstantinovskiy uranium deposit
  • Turboatom, the main turbine producer of turbines for nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union
  • The Smoly state enterprise
  • The Research Institute of the Industrial Technologies
  • The Dnepropetrovsk zirconium tube production plant
Ukratomprom was tasked, over the next three months, with drafting a policy of nuclear fuel cycle development up to 2030 which will be presented for the analysis and approval of the cabinet.

Further information


WNA's Nuclear Power in Ukraine information paper

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