Politicians and civil society will meet at UN headquarters in New York for the next two weeks for this year's meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development.  Under discussion will be Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development and Air Pollution & Climate Change." /> Politicians and civil society will meet at UN headquarters in New York for the next two weeks for this year's meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development.  Under discussion will be Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development and Air Pollution & Climate Change."> Politicians and civil society will meet at UN headquarters in New York for the next two weeks for this year's meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development.  Under discussion will be Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development and Air Pollution & Climate Change.">

UN meeting on Sustainable Development

Thursday, 26 April 2007
Politicians and civil society will meet at UN headquarters in New York for the next two weeks for this year's meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development.  Under discussion will be Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development and Air Pollution & Climate Change.

Politicians and civil society are meeting at the UN headquarters in New York for the next two weeks to take part in this year's meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD).


The 15th session will discuss Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development, and Air Pollution & Climate Change from April 30 to May 11.


The CSD was set up in 1992 in an attempt to provide effective follow-up to that year's "Earth Summit". The CSD meets each year in New York, in two year cycles. Last year, at CSD 14, it reviewed progress. This year the CSD will make policy recommendations and proposals for further action.


Although any agreement on recommendations would not be binding, the policy statements can be influential. The last time the CSD discussed energy in depth, at CSD 9, the issue of nuclear energy proved highly controversial, with strong efforts from anti-nuclear states and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to have negative statements on nuclear energy included in the final documents.


Observers in the nuclear industry note that the international attitudes to nuclear have changed in recent years, but that it is possible that the CSD will avoid any reference to nuclear energy in a bid to find unanimous agreement on wording.


In opening statements many countries made reference to renewables and energy efficiency, but only Sudan, speaking on behalf of the Africa Group, made reference to the nuclear energy, when mentioning the recent African High Level Conference on Nuclear Energy "Contribution to Peace and Sustainable Development."


The CSD will be dominated by negotiations between government representatives. However, 'civil society' is also given the opportunity to make statements in plenary sessions and to contribute to a series of panels, roundtables and various side events. Civil society participates are organized in 'Major Groups', including Business and Industry, Environmental NGOs, Women, Children and Youth, Workers and Trade Unions, Indigenous Peoples, Local Authorities, Farmers and Science & Technological Communities.


Business and Industry is participating under the umbrella initiative of Business Action for Energy (BAE), which has the aims of coordinating the delivery of international business views, positions, and recommendations on energy issues; facilitating information sharing among industrial groups and communicating the depth and variety of energy-related activities undertaken by businesses. The five BAE priorities are:

  • Improving energy access and meeting growing demand by increasing energy supply and promoting energy efficiency.
  • Improving policy frameworks that enable investment and advancement.
  • Investment and financing for sustainable development.
  • Research, development and technology innovation.
  • Partnerships

Further information


UN Commission on Sustainable Development

Business Action for Energy


WNA's  Sustainable Energy  information paper

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