Urenco signs Ukrainian contract

Thursday, 18 August 2016
Haeberle_Nedashkovskyi_Aug2016_(Energoatom)-48 Urenco is to supply uranium enrichment to Ukraine under a contract signed today by the Anglo-Dutch company and Ukrainian national nuclear company Energoatom.

Urenco is to supply uranium enrichment to Ukraine under a contract signed today by the country's national nuclear company Energoatom and the enrichment firm owned by Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.


Urenco CEO Thomas Haeberle and Energoatom president Yuriy Nedashkovskyi celebrate the contract at a ceremony in Kiev (Image: Energoatom)

The Ukrainian company earlier this year invited Urenco to submit an offer to supply enriched uranium as part of a competitive procurement exercise. The material supplied by Urenco will be used to produce nuclear fuel for Ukraine's nuclear power plants at Westinghouse's fabrication facility at Västerås, Sweden.

Energoatom president Yuriy Nedashkovskyi said contract was part of the company's efforts to strengthen the country's energy security. "This contract is another consistent step by Energoatom to diversify nuclear materials and fuel supply to meet the needs of Ukrainian nuclear power plants," he said.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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