WANO, IYNC agree to enhance cooperation

Monday, 16 October 2017
The International Youth Nuclear Congress and World Association of Nuclear Operators have signed a memorandum of understanding "to reflect enhanced cooperation between both organisations in the promotion of nuclear safety and in meeting goals related to young generation initiatives and objectives".

The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) and World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) "to reflect enhanced cooperation between both organisations in the promotion of nuclear safety and in meeting goals related to young generation initiatives and objectives".

WANO is a not-for-profit member association established in 1989 by the world's nuclear power operators to exchange safety knowledge and operating experience amongst organisations operating commercial nuclear power reactors. WANO members operate some 440 nuclear units in more than 30 countries and areas around the world. The IYNC is a global network of the future generation of professionals in the nuclear field.

Announced today, the MoU enables the two organisations to work more closely together to familiarise young professionals with WANO and its activities, promote knowledge transfer between experienced workers and young professionals, and facilitate networking between young nuclear professionals. Their statement added that it will also provide an opportunity to encourage increased professional development opportunities through coaching and mentorship, workshops, seminars, internships, graduate-in-training and secondment opportunities.

IYNC President Denis Janin said: "Nuclear safety is our collective responsibility and I believe that the signing of this MoU between the IYNC and WANO will encourage further discussion at a senior leadership level about the importance of promoting young generation initiatives and opportunities."

WANO CEO Peter Prozesky added: "The promotion of knowledge transfer from more experienced workers in our industry to the younger generation, and networking and professional development opportunities for those young professionals, are vital to the safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants now and in the future. The signing of this MoU signifies that WANO and the IYNC will work together to meet our common goals and to continue to promote nuclear safety as our number one priority."

Earlier this month, WANO signed an MoU with the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) through which they are to cooperate on "the further development of approaches, practices and methods in order to proactively strengthen global nuclear safety". The agreement, which concerns the safe operation of nuclear power plants and the human aspects of nuclear safety, will "facilitate information exchange between the stakeholders in NEA member countries and nuclear power plant operators, enhance the common understanding of nuclear safety culture challenges and support general efforts to further enhance nuclear safety worldwide", the two organisations said.

In April, WANO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) agreed to enhance cooperation to strengthen nuclear operational safety and to support countries that are planning or considering launching nuclear power programs. Prozesky said both the IAEA and WANO work to promote a strong safety culture in nuclear power, and both needed to work with newcomer countries and countries that are rapidly expanding their nuclear power programs, to ensure that new units will meet the same standards of excellence as existing ones. 

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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