Westinghouse works on Chinese contracts

Tuesday, 24 August 2010
AP1000 x 6Discussions continue for Westinghouse regarding the scope of its involvement in the next wave of AP1000 build in China.

Discussions continue for Westinghouse regarding the scope of its involvement in the next wave of AP1000 build in China. 


Major contracts were signed last week covering the engineering procurement and construction of two reactors at Xianning, Hubei province but these did not mention the US nuclear technology company that developed the AP1000 design.


AP1000 x 6

China's AP1000s will be the biggest standardised fleet in the world


Technology transfer was part of the deal that Westinghouse signed with China National Nuclear Corporation in February 2007 to supply four AP1000s at two sites. This was expected to result in "long term participation" for Westinghouse in the future Chinese domestic market, stakeholder relations manager Adrian Bull told World Nuclear News. However, Chinese statements on the day of the contracts emphasised its move to the next phase in a program to develop self-sufficiency in nuclear technology.


Bull confirmed to WNN that it "continues to engage in discussion" with State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) as well as its subsidiaries and various manufacturers that have "sought assistance" in their efforts to deploy AP1000s en-masse.


One item Westinghouse would be expected to supply to new AP1000s would be nuclear fuel. In addition, it expects its scope in future projects to include engineering services, automation as well as certain components and materials. Consultation, training and support could also come as part of new "full contracts" which should be finalized within the next few months at the same time as construction permits, said Bull.


While two AP1000s are being built at Sanmen and two more at Haiyang, preparations are under way for new pairs at Xianning (Hubei province), Pengze (Jiangxi province), and Taohuajiang (Hunan province). Beyond those, over 50 AP1000s are currently on the books with many more likely in the further future.


Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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