Work paused at Three Mile Island
UPDATED Refuelling and steam generator replacement was disturbed on 21 November by the sounding of an airborne radiation alarm at Three Mile Island 1.
Refuelling and steam generator replacement was disturbed on 21 November by the sounding of an airborne radiation alarm at Three Mile Island 1.
The containment building of Three Mile Island 1, showing a temporary opening for steam generator replacemen |
"To put the levels in perspective," the NRC said, "the average American receives about 300 millirem (3 mSv) of radiation exposure each year from natural sources."
The alarm was one placed near a temporary opening in the containment building, made to allow the large steam generators to be moved inside, but a radiological survey showed the contamination was confined to internal surfaces only. The NRC is working with Exelon to determine the exact source of the radiation, thought to be tiny particles dislodged from pipework under maintenance by a change in air pressure.