World Nuclear Association launches fuel report summary
"The increased projections in all scenarios of The Nuclear Fuel Report reflect the renewed recognition of nuclear generation’s roles, both in meeting the need for a reliable supply and contributing to our clean energy future," World Nuclear Association Director General Agneta Rising said. "By making the main findings of the Report available more broadly in this new summary we hope to better inform key decision makers, as well as provide a valuable educational tool that will provide everyone with a broader understanding of the key issues facing the nuclear industry today."
Published biennially since the 1970s, The Nuclear Fuel Report is a highly authoritative publication used as a reference by industry and state authorities worldwide. The 48-page Expanded Summary of the report's 19th edition covers the report's key findings - in particular, supply/demand projections in different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear generation projections for the next 20 years - and explains the methodology and assumptions underlying the report’s three scenarios for future nuclear fuel demand and supply.
The main goals of the Expanded Summary are to allow commentators who reference The Nuclear Fuel Report, without access to the full edition, to better understand its methodology, criteria and outputs; and to enable those interested in the role of nuclear power in a sustainable low-carbon energy system to understand a fundamental aspect of the technology, the uranium fuel cycle, the Association said.