NRC approves 20-year extension for North Anna 1 and 2

North Anna units 1 and 2 are 944 MWe pressurised water reactors which began commercial operation in 1978 and 1980. They had an initial lifetime of 40 years, which was extended by 20 years in 2003. With the fresh extension they will be licensed to operate to 2058 and 2060, respectively.
The application from Virginia Electric and Power Co, a subsidiary of Dominion Energy, for the plant in Louisa County, Virginia, resulted in a safety evaluation report issued in January 2022 and an environmental impact statement in July this year and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board concluded "no contested matters remained before it for resolution".
The two North Anna reactors mean eight units have now been given subsequent renewed licences to 80 years, with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission currently reviewing a further seven applications.
Dominion Energy's Chief Nuclear Officer, Eric Carr, said: "For more than 50 years, nuclear power has been the most reliable workhorse of our fleet and the largest source of carbon-free power in Virginia. North Anna operates around the clock, and generates the reliable, clean energy that powers our customers' homes and businesses every day. With this 20-year extension, our customers can continue counting on North Anna for reliable, carbon-free power for another generation to come."
There will be numerous upgrades at the plant as part of the latest extension, including "replacing the reactors' main generators and condensers, refurbishing reactor coolant pumps and converting instrument and control systems from analogue to digital. The company is also implementing 80 enhancements to station procedures, such as additional inspections and equipment testing".
In addition to securing the extended operating licences, Dominion Energy last month issued a Request for Proposals from small modular reactor vendors to evaluate the feasibility of developing an SMR at the North Anna site.
