Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power has signed a 10-year enriched uranium supply contract with US-based nuclear fuel supplier Centrus Energy Corporation. The contract follows the signing of a Letter of Intent a year ago.
Technical and strategic nuclear consultancy Equilibrion announced it is to lead a study to explore how deployment of nuclear-enabled hydrogen production could support the repurposing of the UK's existing extensive gas network for low-carbon hydrogen.
Minister of Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček said he had discussed with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power CEO Joo-ho Whang about finalising the EPC contract and the involvement of Czech companies in the country's new nuclear project.
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power announced it has signed memorandums of understanding on cooperation with Norway's Norsk Kjernekraft and Sweden's Kärnfull Next to "strengthen its foothold in the European market with its innovative SMR (i-SMR)".
The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has transferred the technology behind Armstrong, its dual-arm robot which can move up to 200 kilograms, to robot company Victex, which aims to develop models targeting the nuclear decommissioning market.
Westinghouse, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power and Korea Electric Power Cooperation plan to collaborate on the deployment of new nuclear reactors around the world after agreeing to settle their intellectual property dispute.
The signing of the agreement covering exports of nuclear technology was signed by the US and South Korea on the same day that the leaders of South Korea and the Czech Republic reaffirmed their commitment to projects including the expansion of the Dukovany nuclear power plant.
South Korean engineering firm Doosan Enerbility has signed a binding agreement with the International Nuclear Non-proliferation and Cooperation Centre under South Korea's KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School to cooperate on the expansion of nuclear exports.
The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute says it has developed a new concept for the world's first nuclide separation device that employs robots and sensors.
South Korean construction firm Samsung C&T has signed a memorandum of understanding with Swedish small modular reactor project development company Kärnfull Next to advance the deployment of SMRs in Sweden.
The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency has signed agreements with Finland's Posiva Oy and Spain's Enresa to strengthen cooperation in radioactive waste management.
The fourth and final ITER vacuum vessel sector manufactured by South Korea has been delivered to the construction site of the tokamak fusion device in Cadarache, southern France.