Sizewell B simulator upgrade

Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Sizewell B simulator 48The simulator of the Sizewell B plant in the UK is being upgraded and additional training devices installed under a contract awarded to L-3 MAPPS by EDF Energy.

The simulator of the Sizewell B plant in the UK is being upgraded and additional training devices installed under a contract awarded to L-3 MAPPS by EDF Energy.

Sizewell B simulator 460 (L-3 MAPPS)
The control room simulator at Sizewell B (Image: L-3 MAPPS)

Through the contract - the value of which has not disclosed - L-3 MAPPS will rehost Sizewell B's simulation software using its Orchid simulation environment. The reactor core model will be upgraded to provide a higher-fidelity model. The simulator's containment model will also be upgraded.

The enhanced simulator will be equipped with new cameras and microphones to enable training exercises to be recorded and played back so that plant operator actions and communication skills can be studied. The upgraded simulator will also feature a sound system used to generate control room sounds depending on the simulator scenario.

The Canadian company will also supply six classroom simulators to be used by reactor operators and other plant workers to become familiar with the plant control room and its operation. These simulators can be used independently or together depending on training needs. L-3 MAPPS will also supply four touch-screen trainers, allowing plant technicians to interact with simulated local panels that are coupled with the simulation.

The project to upgrade the simulator of Sizewell B is already underway and expected to be completed by mid-2015. The plant, which started up in 1995, is currently the UK's only operating pressurized water reactor.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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